


What is UTXO in Bitcoin?


UTXO stands for Unspent Transaction Output, which is a core concept in Bitcoin and some other blockchain networks.

In UTXO-based blockchain networks like Bitcoin, transactions are not directly transferred from one account to another. Instead, they are done through inputs and outputs. Each transaction has inputs that reference previous transaction outputs, and outputs that create new UTXOs.

UTXOs can be seen as electronic cash. When you receive Bitcoin, you are actually receiving some UTXOs. When you send Bitcoin, you are actually spending some UTXOs and generating new UTXOs.


Are all outputs UTXOs?
No, not all outputs are UTXOs.
In Bitcoin and other UTXO-based blockchain networks, only the outputs that have not been spent are called UTXOs.
When an output is used as an input for a new transaction, it is considered spent and is no longer a UTXO. In this case, the new transaction will generate new outputs, which become new UTXOs.
So, it can be said that UTXOs are a subset of all outputs, including only those that have not been spent.

Case Study#

In UTXO-based blockchain networks like Bitcoin, your account balance is actually determined by the sum of UTXOs that you can spend. Each UTXO has an associated value, which represents the amount of Bitcoin it represents.

For example, let's say you have three UTXOs with values of 0.5 BTC, 0.2 BTC, and 0.3 BTC. Your account balance would be the sum of the values of these three UTXOs, which is 1 BTC.

When you send Bitcoin, you need to select enough UTXOs to cover the amount you want to send. For example, if you want to send 0.6 BTC, you can choose the UTXOs with values of 0.5 BTC and 0.2 BTC. Then, you create a new transaction with these selected UTXOs as inputs and the desired amount and change as outputs.

In this example, the outputs of the new transaction would be two: one is 0.6 BTC, which is the amount you want to send, and the other is 0.1 BTC, which is your change. This change becomes a new UTXO that you can spend in future transactions.

Pseudocode for Calculating Account Balance#

Here is pseudocode for calculating the account balance in a UTXO-based blockchain network:

  1. Initialize a variable balance to 0, which will be used to store the account balance.
  2. Get all UTXOs for the account. This is typically done by calling a function or method, such as getUTXOs(address), where address is the account's address.
  3. Iterate over all UTXOs. For each UTXO:
  • Check if the UTXO is unspent. This can be done by checking the spent attribute of the UTXO. If spent is false, it means the UTXO is unspent.
  • If the UTXO is unspent, add its value (typically the value attribute) to the balance.
  1. After iterating over all UTXOs, the balance is the account balance.

Here is the pseudocode representation of this process:

function calculateBalance(address) {
    let balance = 0;
    // Assume getUTXOs is a function that retrieves all UTXOs for a given address
    let utxos = getUTXOs(address); 
    for (let utxo of utxos) {
        if (!utxo.spent) {
            balance += utxo.value;
    return balance;


UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs) serve several purposes:

  1. Recording Account Balance: In UTXO-based blockchain networks, the account balance is represented by the sum of the values of all UTXOs associated with the account. Each UTXO has an associated value, which represents the amount of Bitcoin it represents.
  2. Transaction Verification: UTXOs are also used for transaction verification. When a new transaction occurs, its inputs must be valid UTXOs. This ensures that the inputs of the transaction are unspent, preventing double spending.
  3. Transaction Creation: When you want to send Bitcoin, you need to select enough UTXOs to cover the amount you want to send. Then, you create a new transaction with these selected UTXOs as inputs and the desired amount and change as outputs. This change becomes a new UTXO that you can spend in future transactions.
  4. Enhancing Privacy: Since new UTXOs are generated with each transaction, tracking transactions becomes more difficult, thus enhancing user privacy.
  5. Parallel Processing: The UTXO model allows for parallel processing of multiple transactions, as each transaction is independent as long as their input UTXOs do not overlap, thereby improving the throughput of the blockchain network.


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