Regardless of whether the Siderbar is in a collapsed or expanded state, the icon of the collapse button will not change with the state. It is a fixed icon style.
I need to display different icon styles based on different collapse states. However, because the code of the LeptonXLite theme is not open source, I cannot find a way to override the original code (in the Application Layout). Therefore, I will use JavaScript to change the default behavior.
Add the following code to wwwroot\global.js
in your web project:
/** Automatically switch the collapse button icon in the upper right corner of the sidebar based on its state */
function autoToggleSidebarMenuCollapseIcon() {
const menuDomSelector = '.menu-collapse-icon';
const localStoreKey = 'lpx:side-menu-state';
const iconClasses = {
lpxDefault: 'bi bi-filter-left',
left: 'fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-left',
right: 'fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-right',
// Set the icon to face left
function setLeft() {
.removeClass(iconClasses.lpxDefault + ' ' + iconClasses.right)
// Set the icon to face right
function setRight() {
.removeClass(iconClasses.lpxDefault + ' ' + iconClasses.left)
// Toggle the icon based on the state stored in localStorage
function toggleSidebarMenuCollapseIconClass() {
// true: collapsed, false: expanded
const isCollapsed = localStorage.getItem(localStoreKey) === '1';
isCollapsed ? setRight() : setLeft();
$(menuDomSelector).on('click', function () {
// The setTimeout is used here because the lpx theme code already listens for click events and sets localStorage.
// However, the order of multiple click events is uncertain, so here we delay the execution of icon switching.
// This will most likely ensure that the icon switching is performed after the click event in the lpx theme code.
setTimeout(() => toggleSidebarMenuCollapseIconClass(), 0);