- Different colors need to be set at different indexes, otherwise they will be overwritten.
- The range of indexes is limited, and custom colors need to be preset in the color palette, as explained in the comments.
var hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
ISheet sheet1 = hssfworkbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1");
//fill background
ICellStyle style1 = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle();
#region Generate custom colors based on hex using the color palette
var palette = hssfworkbook.GetCustomPalette();
// hex to argb
// ColorTranslator static class:
// For .NET Framework, add a reference to the local DLL and then import the System.Drawing namespace
// For .NET Core, add the System.Drawing.Common package from NuGet and then import the System.Drawing namespace
var argb = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ff0303");
// The index value is index-8 when used in the underlying layer. The difference after subtraction must satisfy num >= 0 && num < 56
var customBackgroundColorIndexInPalette = (short)8;
palette.SetColorAtIndex(customBackgroundColorIndexInPalette, argb.R, argb.G, argb.B);
// The background color of the cell must be set using the FillForegroundColor + FillPattern fields, and cannot be set using the FillBackgroundColor field
// Set the foreground color and fill pattern, with the foreground color taken from the RGB color at the specified index in the color palette
style1.FillForegroundColor = customBackgroundColorIndexInPalette; //NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Blue.Index;
style1.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
// Create a cell at position 0,0, set the cell content and style
var cell00 = sheet1.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0);
cell00.CellStyle = style1;
Custom RGB colors in the color palette:
// Custom color indexes (3 levels corresponding to 3 colors) in the Excel workbook's custom color palette
private static readonly short _color1IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette = 8;
private static readonly short _color2IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette = 9;
private static readonly short _color3IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette = 10;
// Preset all custom colors in the custom color palette of the Excel workbook
private static void SetAllColorIndexOnWorkbookCustomPalette(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
SetColorIndexOnWorkbookCustomPalette(workbook, _color1IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette, ConfigHelper.Setting.Color1);
SetColorIndexOnWorkbookCustomPalette(workbook, _color2IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette, ConfigHelper.Setting.Color2);
SetColorIndexOnWorkbookCustomPalette(workbook, _color3IndexInWorkbookCustomPalette, ConfigHelper.Setting.Color3);
// Set the custom hex format color at the specified index in the custom color palette of the Excel workbook
private static void SetColorAtIndexOnWorkbookCustomPalette(HSSFWorkbook workbook,short rgbColorIndexInPalette, string hexColor)
if (rgbColorIndexInPalette < 8 || rgbColorIndexInPalette > 56) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(nameof(rgbColorIndexInPalette));
var palette = workbook.GetCustomPalette();
var argb = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(hexColor);
palette.SetColorAtIndex(rgbColorIndexInPalette, argb.R, argb.G, argb.B);