


RabbitMQ at a Glance

Core Concepts#

RabbitMQ is an overall producer-consumer model that is primarily responsible for receiving, storing, and forwarding messages.

Overall Architecture of RabbitMQ

  • Producer and Consumer
  • Message Composition:
    • Message Header (Label):
      • routing-key
      • priority
      • delivery-mode
    • Message Body (payload)
  • Exchange: Producers send messages to the Exchange, which then routes the messages to one or more queues. If the routing fails, the message is returned to the producer or discarded directly.
    • Process: Publish Message + RoutingKeyExchangeBinding Key → Queue > Consume

    • Common Types:

      • direct (default): Routes messages to a Queue that has a BindingKey matching the RoutingKey. Commonly used for handling tasks with priorities.


      • fanout: Routes messages to all queues bound to it. Commonly used for broadcasting messages.

      • topic: Routes messages to queues with BindingKeys and RoutingKeys that match (exact match or wildcard match).

        • BindingKeys and RoutingKeys are strings separated by periods.
        • BindingKeys can contain two types of wildcard matching strings: "*" (matches one word) and "#" (matches zero or more words).
      • headers (not recommended): Matches based on the headers property in the message content. Poor performance, not practical, and rarely used.

  • Queue: Container for messages, where a message can be placed in one or more queues.
    • Consumption: Supports one or more consumers (average Round-Robin) subscribing to the same queue.
  • Binding: Binds a Queue to an Exchange using a BindingKey.
  • Broker: A RabbitMQ Broker can be seen as a RabbitMQ service node or instance.
  • Dead Letter Exchange: When a message becomes a dead message in a queue, it is sent to the dead letter exchange.
    • Reasons for becoming a dead message:
      • Message is rejected (Basic.Reject / Basic.Nack) with requeue = false
      • Message TTL expires
      • Queue is full
  • Delayed Queue: Messages are consumed after a specific time.
    • Implementation methods:
      1. Using RabbitMQ's Dead Letter Exchange and message's time to live (TTL).
      2. Using the plugin developed for RabbitMQ 3.5.7+ (rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange).
  • Priority Queue: Implemented in RabbitMQ 3.5.0+ using the x-max-priority parameter. This parameter is not meaningful when the consumption speed is greater than the production speed and the broker has no backlog.
  • Message Transmission: Based on channels established over TCP connections, with unlimited quantity. Each channel has a unique ID in RabbitMQ, corresponding to a thread.
  • Message Reliability:
    • Producer to RabbitMQ: Transaction mechanism or Confirm mechanism. Note: Transaction mechanism and Confirm mechanism are mutually exclusive and cannot coexist, as it will cause RabbitMQ to throw an error.
    • RabbitMQ itself: Durability, regular cluster, mirrored cluster
    • RabbitMQ to Consumer: basicAck mechanism, dead letter queue, message compensation mechanism
  • Message Ordering:
    • Split into multiple queues, with each queue having one consumer (reduces throughput)
    • Consumers do not consume messages directly. Instead, they hash based on a key value in the message (e.g., ID, meaning multiple messages with the same ID), and then group them into different in-memory queues based on the hash value. Finally, each group is handed over to a different worker or sub-thread for processing (consumed using multi-threading within the consumer).
  • High Availability:
    • Regular cluster: Data is stored on the master node, and the slave nodes only synchronize the metadata of the queues from the master node, not the messages.
    • Mirrored cluster: Data is fully synchronized between the master and slave nodes.
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.