Core Concepts#
RabbitMQ is an overall producer-consumer model that is primarily responsible for receiving, storing, and forwarding messages.
Overall Architecture of RabbitMQ
- Producer and Consumer
- Message Composition:
- Message Header (Label):
- routing-key
- priority
- delivery-mode
- Message Body (payload)
- Message Header (Label):
- Exchange: Producers send messages to the Exchange, which then routes the messages to one or more queues. If the routing fails, the message is returned to the producer or discarded directly.
Process: Publish Message + RoutingKey → Exchange → Binding Key → Queue > Consume
Common Types:
direct (default): Routes messages to a Queue that has a BindingKey matching the RoutingKey. Commonly used for handling tasks with priorities.
fanout: Routes messages to all queues bound to it. Commonly used for broadcasting messages.
topic: Routes messages to queues with BindingKeys and RoutingKeys that match (exact match or wildcard match).
- BindingKeys and RoutingKeys are strings separated by periods.
- BindingKeys can contain two types of wildcard matching strings: "*" (matches one word) and "#" (matches zero or more words).
headers (not recommended): Matches based on the headers property in the message content. Poor performance, not practical, and rarely used.
- Queue: Container for messages, where a message can be placed in one or more queues.
- Consumption: Supports one or more consumers (average Round-Robin) subscribing to the same queue.
- Binding: Binds a Queue to an Exchange using a BindingKey.
- Broker: A RabbitMQ Broker can be seen as a RabbitMQ service node or instance.
- Dead Letter Exchange: When a message becomes a dead message in a queue, it is sent to the dead letter exchange.
- Reasons for becoming a dead message:
- Message is rejected (Basic.Reject / Basic.Nack) with requeue = false
- Message TTL expires
- Queue is full
- Reasons for becoming a dead message:
- Delayed Queue: Messages are consumed after a specific time.
- Implementation methods:
- Using RabbitMQ's Dead Letter Exchange and message's time to live (TTL).
- Using the plugin developed for RabbitMQ 3.5.7+ (rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange).
- Implementation methods:
- Priority Queue: Implemented in RabbitMQ 3.5.0+ using the
parameter. This parameter is not meaningful when the consumption speed is greater than the production speed and the broker has no backlog. - Message Transmission: Based on channels established over TCP connections, with unlimited quantity. Each channel has a unique ID in RabbitMQ, corresponding to a thread.
- Message Reliability:
- Producer to RabbitMQ: Transaction mechanism or Confirm mechanism. Note: Transaction mechanism and Confirm mechanism are mutually exclusive and cannot coexist, as it will cause RabbitMQ to throw an error.
- RabbitMQ itself: Durability, regular cluster, mirrored cluster
- RabbitMQ to Consumer: basicAck mechanism, dead letter queue, message compensation mechanism
- Message Ordering:
- Split into multiple queues, with each queue having one consumer (reduces throughput)
- Consumers do not consume messages directly. Instead, they hash based on a key value in the message (e.g., ID, meaning multiple messages with the same ID), and then group them into different in-memory queues based on the hash value. Finally, each group is handed over to a different worker or sub-thread for processing (consumed using multi-threading within the consumer).
- High Availability:
- Regular cluster: Data is stored on the master node, and the slave nodes only synchronize the metadata of the queues from the master node, not the messages.
- Mirrored cluster: Data is fully synchronized between the master and slave nodes.